Este sitio arqueológico con hermosa vista es un complejo ceremonial y administrativo de gran valor universal y excepcional que data del periodo prehispánico y incaico. Se erige como el prototipo de arquitectura y arte rupestre de mayor impacto en el continente Americano. Aquí especialmente se siente el significado del ´Codo de los Andes´, la ubicación estrategica, siendo entre los vientos secos Andinos del norte, el viento sur de Argentina y la húmedad del Amboró y la Amazonía. Podemos organizar su paseo de 2 hasta 6 horas (incluye visita al museo), combinada con las cascadas ´Cuevas´ o el PN Amboró.
This archeological site with beautiful views constitutes an ancient compound an outstanding value from pre-Hispanic era. It rises as the America´s most impressive rock and prototype regarding architecture and rupestrian art as well. Especially here one feels the confluence of several climates and ecosystems known as ´The elbow of the Andes´, a strategic location with the dry Andean winds, the cold south winds and the influence of the Amboró and Amazonia. We can organize your daytrip of 2 to 6 hours, if wished combined with the cascades of Cuevas or the Amboró cloud forest.
This archeological site with beautiful views constitutes an ancient compound an outstanding value from pre-Hispanic era. It rises as the America´s most impressive rock and prototype regarding architecture and rupestrian art as well. Especially here one feels the confluence of several climates and ecosystems known as ´The elbow of the Andes´, a strategic location with the dry Andean winds, the cold south winds and the influence of the Amboró and Amazonia. We can organize your daytrip of 2 to 6 hours, if wished combined with the cascades of Cuevas or the Amboró cloud forest.
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